3 Reasons I Hate Black Friday


This week, families everywhere will gather around a table heaping with food to stuff themselves, reconnect, and enjoy time together counting their blessings.

The next day (or even that night, which is CRAZY and makes me so ANGRY), everyone goes out and kills each other over one-day deals so they can get more stuff.

What’s wrong with this picture?

I present to you Black Friday, the most stupid, unnecessary, and destructive day of the year.

And now I present to you: 3 reasons I hate black Friday.

1. It Completely Undermines Thanksgiving

I mean, really? Come on. If you have to have Black Friday, could you have possibly picked a WORSE DAY to have it? The day after we’re supposed to be thankful for everything we have already?

People spend Thanksgiving thinking about all of the wonderful blessings they have. That is the whole POINT! It’s such a great holiday, because sometimes we all need a reminder to be thankful.

And then the next day, after spending a whole day being thankful, they go out and trample each other so that they can fill their lives with MORE UNNECESSARY STUFF.

And now people are starting Black Friday sales in the evening on Thanksgiving. Do people not see something wrong with that?

Of all days to have Black Friday. Why????

2. It Reinforces How Commercialized Christmas Has Become

But we can’t move Black Friday, you say! The whole point is that it’s the first day we start Christmas shopping!

But this is the other sad thing about the timing of Black Friday. Christmas is definitely NOT about stuff, presents, great deals, getting everyone the perfect gift. And even Christians forget this in the wake of how commercialized the Christmas season has become.

It’s supposed to be a season of peace, love, joy, and hope. Instead, it’s become a season of stress, worry, and spending too much money to get “just the right gift”. Black Friday is such BLATANT PROOF of this, and it makes me sad.

3. It Promotes Selfishness and Greed

Yes, the above two points could be fixed by moving Black Friday to another day. But the deepest problem with Black Friday is the heart attitude that it causes in people.

The whole idea of Black Friday is that you have to get to the stores as quickly as you can, to snatch up the best deals and get more stuff.

There’s never a thought for the people who might not have the means to buy even the cheapest sale items.

There’s never a thought for the people who show up late and really need some of that stuff you bought more than you do.

There’s never a thought that you really have enough, you don’t need more, and there are much better ways to spend your money.

This heart attitude is not how a Christian should be. Christians are supposed to be selfless, generous, giving people. That’s why I don’t think Christians should have anything to do with Black Friday.

Stay in. Read books. Watch movies. Take Friday to focus on your blessings too. If you have things you really need to buy, do some online shopping. But please, please, stay out of stores.

I wouldn’t want you to be killed by a stampeding mob 😦

love, grace

8 thoughts on “3 Reasons I Hate Black Friday

  1. emily @ for the bookish says:

    I know exactly what you mean. I love how many stores and companies are taking a stand and being closed on Thanksgiving, but honestly, that’s great but… how about the employees who have to then leave their family dinners earlier and earlier each year to be trampled by mobs of ungrateful people? One cashier at Target my mom and I talked to last week said she had one lady who started criticizing HER personal appearance because Target sold out on something she wanted last year. It made me so angry! That is so unnecessary and hurtful, I can’t even comprehend it. I’m looking forward to stuffing myself with food and hanging out with my family this Thursday (it’s also my dad’s birthday!) and sleeping in on Friday morning. Thanks for the wonderful post Grace!

    Liked by 1 person

    • graceevalyn says:

      That totally illustrates my point about how Black Friday makes people completely self-centered and self-focused. Definitely, let’s keep Thanksgiving about the food and family and extra sleep! Thanks for commenting!


  2. castlesandpens13 says:

    I completely agree, Grace. It disheartens me, the nature of Black Friday. It certainly does undermine Thanksgiving, because even when people are thinking about being grateful, they’re also thinking about how great the prices will be at Walmart the next hour. It turns people into ANIMALS. So much footage every year surfaces of crazed, hungry shoppers running after the same item, fighting in aisles, screaming, hurting innocent people–I feel terrible for those who have to work that day. It’s horrible, and all in the name of “Christmas” too. It’s horrific and I could not be more angered by and ashamed of our society. Yes, Christmas is a time about rejoicing our Lord’s birth, appreciating our families and reflecting on the past year. Presents should always be an after thought; no don’t get rid of presents altogether, but they shouldn’t be the primary reason, the centerpiece of Christmas. People lose sight so quickly. Christmas is still a MONTH away.
    Yes, stay indoors xD Avoid getting killed for no reason at all. I think Cyber Monday is better anyway. Hopefully Christians who do participate wake up and reflect on their actions, make the wholesome decision, etc.
    Anyways, happy Thanksgiving, Grace! You and I bear the name that is all about thankfulness and God’s love for all of us. Amen to that 🙂


    • graceevalyn says:

      Yes, all of those crazy videos make me really sad, and I cannot imagine working that day. It really does distort the meaning of both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
      Thanks for commenting! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

      Liked by 1 person

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