24 Resolution Ideas for Christian Teens


Yay for nerdy comics!

2016 is almost upon us. As New Year’s approaches, many people are thinking about their resolutions for the upcoming year.

You know, those things that people never keep.

But don’t give up on resolutions altogether! They can be a powerful tool to help you if there are areas of your life that need work. It takes determination, sure, and self-discipline, but you don’t have to ditch your resolutions after January.

As a Christian teen, your resolutions may look slightly different from the average person, or at least follow a different motivation. I have put together this list of twenty-four ideas of goals you can set for yourself in the coming year, along with various articles that can help you in some of those goals.

How to use this list: 

  • Pick one or two things that you think need to be worked on in your life. Please do not try to do all of these! That isn’t the point.
  • Write down your resolutions somewhere and spend some time praying about them, that God would help you succeed.
  • Come up with a plan if necessary for how you will achieve your goal; some won’t need this, but for others you may need to plan a little bit, buy something, etc.
  • Find someone who can hold you accountable throughout the year and tell them about your goals and the plan you have to achieve them.
  • At the end of every month, reevaluate how you are doing. If you failed, don’t give up! Try to get back on track in the next month. And remember to regularly pray about these goals as well.


The List 

If you want to get closer to God…

  1. Read your Bible every day for X number of months and/or follow a Bible reading plan consistently throughout the year.
  2. Memorize a verse of Scripture every week.
  3. Dedicate your entire Sabbath to rest and worship, instead of just the part where you’re at church.
  4. Start journaling regularly to record daily events, thoughts, and prayers and keep track of how God is working in your life.

If you are obsessed with fashion and beauty…

  1. Develop modesty standards and strive to follow them and/or be more consistent with the standards you already have.
  2. For girls, take a week off from makeup every month to remind yourself that it isn’t necessary, and wear it tastefully the rest of the time.

If you want to do better in school...

  1. Stop procrastinating and do all of your schoolwork diligently and thoroughly.
  2. Share the gospel with at least one person each month/week.
  3. Pray for your school on a regular basis.

If your friendships need some work…

  1. Cultivate a close friendship with at least two fellow believers who you know but maybe aren’t very close to.
  2. Befriend several people who are lonely or unpopular and need a friend.
  3. Say something nice to one person every day.
  4. Cut gossip from your conversation completely.

If your relationship with your family needs some work…

  1. Do a chore without being asked at least once a week.
  2. Spend time with each of your siblings one-on-one every month.
  3. Devote time to pray for your family every day.
  4. Leave encouraging notes for your parents around the house throughout the year.

If you want to help other people…

  1. Clean out your room and donate all of your extra clutter to charity.
  2. Start volunteering at a charity or your church on a regular basis.
  3. Start being a mentor to a younger person in your life; meet with them weekly or every two weeks and help them grow in faith.

If media is taking over your life…

  1. Decide on standards for books, movies, etc. Then clean out all of your media and get rid of anything that doesn’t meet the standard.
  2. Take a “fast” from social media for a week every month.
  3. Read at least one solid Christian book a month to encourage you in your faith.


So there you have it! Twenty-four ideas for ways to continue living out your faith in the coming year. I hope this helped you or gave you some ideas for resolutions to make.

Over the next month, I will be looking at four of these more in-depth, maybe ones that I couldn’t find as many other articles on. If there’s a specific one you would like me to write about, be sure to let me know!

Will you use any of these? I would love to hear what your resolutions are for 2016! 

love, grace


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